Friday, July 24, 2009

Schlafly Cycling Team in New Jersey!

This past month my wife and I decided that we were going to go back to New Jersey, for a little vacation. I am originally from there, and my brother Damon, Mom, & Dad still live there. So we packed up the van with the necessities. Our daughter, dog, clothes, bike, & and of course some great Schlafly beer. After 15 hours of driving we arrived at my parents house in Sparta, NJ. That area of New Jersey is really beautiful, with lots of rolling hills and pretty scenery. It is nothing like what most people see when they fly into Newark International Airport.

I was very excited to get to New Jersey! I was also kind of nervous about the hills. Being the most out of shape and heaviest (fattest) member of the Schlafly Cycling Team, I was wondering if I could climb the hills upto my parents house.

We arrived in NJ on Sunday afternoon. We promptly filled up a cooler with some Schlafly and went out on the boat. We ran into some friends out there, so I passed out some of the Summer Lager. It was a hugh hit!
Monday was a day of relaxing from the long drive, and the night before. The Summer Lager went down very easy, and I was feeling a bit hungover.

Tuesday I was feeling much better so my brother Damon and I put on our Schlafly gear and set out on an 11 mile ride around the lake. I was trying to think when the last time was that I rode a bike around the lake. I think I was 11 years old, and I did it on a bmx bike. Which might be the reason why that was the last time I did it. When we set out I was wondering if I would be able to climb the hills. I don't know what I was thinking, but they were never a problem. I don't know what it is, but the hills look a lot worse when you drive them in a car...
Wednesday I wanted to climb Snake Mountain. It sounds really mean and looks that way. It is only 1/4 of a mile long, but it is straight up hill with a grade of 25% so it is really steep. It also has a few switchbacks in it. When I was riding up to it, I felt like I was going to run into a wall. I figured if I could climb this, then there was nothing that was going to stop me. I flew up the hill I wanted to get up it as fast as possible. I averaged 10 mph up it, which I thought was good. I was thinking the rest of the Schlafly team would have probably done 20 mph up it. But I thought it was a great accomplishment and was proud of it.

So after that my brother and I hit the rode again. This time we were going to go a different route with a lenght of about 15 miles. He told me that it was going to be flat. I think his idea of flat and mine are a bit different. It was pretty flat for most of the ride, but the last 3 miles were very hilly. I was feeling really good, about the ride until we made a right onto Current Drive. There was a very steep hill, that caught me of guard. So I put my bike in the lowest gear possible and just started peddaling. I sure was not going to break any land speed records up that hill, but we made it to the top. Just when I thought we were done there was another steep climb. This one was short, and we knocked it out. We were not done though, we had a little flat area before we had to begin the 1.25 mile climb up to my parents house. My brother set a nice tempo that I could keep up with and we went at it. My brother was in the lead the whole way, when we got near the top I said I was going to run him down and pass him. Being twins he must of read my mind because he stepped it up as well. I never caught him!

Friday we decided that we were going to do a longer ride. The longest ride that I have ever done was 25 miles. I wanted to do at least 30 miles, and the goal was to do 40 miles. We picked out a pretty flat route. So we set out on our way, each taking turns breaking the wind. At about 17 miles I was starting to feel crappy. So I had a bar and a drink. I started to feel better, but never really felt 100% after that. When we got to 25 miles I could feel my legs starting to cramp. So we made the decision to lower it to 30 miles. We did it, and I had reached a personal best! That was our last ride of the trip, because it was time to head back to Missouri the next day.

I learned a few things from this trip:
1. That I should never second guess my ability. I am not the fastest Schlafly team member, but I can get it done. "Whatever YOUR 100% is, GIVE IT" As long as you give your all you can be happy.

2. Riding with my brother was awesome! I can't wait until the next time!


  1. Aaron, anyone that has a personal best on vacation is a dedicated cyclist. As soon as National's is over, we should all have more time to ride together. 10mph up a steep hill is AWESOME!

  2. Aaron, it is awesome to see you riding in New Jersey and pushing yourself to a new personal best! You have come a long way and I think you can go a lot further if you want and set your mind to it. Keep riding!
